Thursday, August 20, 2009

Burkini a no no for italians

BurkiniĀ© Beach BabesImage by topicagnostic via Flickr

"A mayor of a northern Italian town decided on Wednesday to slap a hefty fine on women seen wearing the Islamic head-to-toe swimsuit or 'burkini' in local pools. Gianluca Buonanno, the mayor of Varallo Sesia in the northwestern region of Piedmont, said the sight of ''a masked woman could cause dismay, especially among children'' enjoying a day at the pool."

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Minus One ... Eureka!

A simple trigonometric triangle designed to sh...Image via Wikipedia

One... Is just a number, if you subtract One from any number, you'll only lose one and nothing more. But what if you only had ONE to begin with?

That is the type of situation PPP government finds itself in Pakistan. The whereabouts of this ONE are as mysterious as the formula itself. No one is for certain at the moment as to where this term coined from and who is it really directed to, yet the news channels here in Pakistan are Buzzing with opinions and jumping to conclusions as if they are experts in Math, calculus, Geometry and trigonometry of all angles of Pakistani Politics.

As if, the mystery of ONE was not mystery enough, we're reminded that this ONE will be subtracted, so the question comes to mind that WHY would this ONE be subtracted?

From what I've read about this mystery so far since it all started before Musharraf made the blunder to out throw the Chief Justice Iftikhar Choudhary, this term was used to represent the outgoing cheif justice which we all know eventually backfired and the equation was ...

Pakistan = Musharraf - 1 instead of
Pakistan = Chief Justice - 1

... and I thought this was over and done with after Musharraf's leaving office... But boy, was I wrong. It seems the inventor of the equations actually enjoys the outcomes and believes in the equation like Archimedes did... "Eureka"... I can envision the inventor running out on streets... Hopefully dressed, unlike Archimedes.

So you can replace anyone with X in Pakistan = X - 1 and you might have the answer.

Seems like the invention was a fluke and the inventor wants to test it again on Pakistani Politics, and it seems the president Zardari is being targeted as the next victim, but who knows where this tide turns and who replaces the dreaded X in Pakistan Political scene.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Justice Vs. Musharraf

Address to the nation, 2007.Image via Wikipedia

Almost two years after the daring move of a dictator, who was cosidered invincible and unquestioned ruler of Pakistan, the tables have completely turned. The ousted judges have come back in Style and the once invicnible Military dictator is forced to face charges of illegal confinement of the judges.
He's accused of putting Senior judges in illegal and unconstitutional house arrest. It goes without saying that "A dictator is, what a dictator does". Though his initial few years were not so heavy handed, but clearly the power eventually got to his head and he started doing things that the dictators are known for. Bad for him that his decision to put the judges in a house arrest backfired in a major way that eventually lead to the demise of his power.
As if that was not enough for one of America's once most favourd Ally, the FIR against Musharraf also paves way for him to be tried for treason for going against the constitution of Pakistan by declaring emergency.
Musharraf is living in Britain these days as most Pakistani leaders do once out of power, following suit to the 2 ex prime ministers Nawaz and Benazir as well as Altaf Hussain, leader of the third biggest party in Pakistan, Mutahida Qaumi Movement.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jubilation after winning the T20 Cricket worldcup has gone stale after humiliating test defeat by Sri lanka. This is the first time ever that Sri Lanka has been able to beat pakistan on Sri lankan soil.After being crowned the Champions of T20 World cricket, Pakistan's performance has been nothing less than dismal. This win would be most gratifying to the sri Lankans who were downed by the same team in the T20 World Cup final.

Monday, July 27, 2009

DAGAR, PAKISTAN - JULY 16:  A Pakistan Militar...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

It is very sad to know how terrorists are using kids to promote their evil cause. That only gives more of a reason for the fight against terrorism to continue and people like Osama Bin Laden and Baitullah Mehsud to be apprehended and brought to trial and shame. No religion or culture allows for the young kids to be used as guinnea pigs like. This will have to stop and fighting them is the only anser.